Sunday, March 18, 2018

3-D Printing Body Parts

      3D Printing Body parts can revolutionize medicine. From these machine it can create cheaper and better prosthetics for people or animals who have lost a body part ( includes organs), the list includes body parts from heart to skin grafts. Most of the 3D printing materials are made from wax or plastic but scientists are developing a way to make 3D printing materials from metal too. The term for printing out body parts is also known as biomedical engineering. The body parts are actually used from real human cells but instead of growing cells to make the body parts, the scientists just make scales of the cells. Although the 3D printed organs are not that effective it is a step toward making fully functioning organs.
       This will definitely help with heart transplants or liver transplants, etc. in the future. Currently 3 D printing industry is worth about 2.7 billion. The great part about 3D printing is when you all set everything up you can create "organs" with the click of a button. Most of the bio printers are not even modern technology yet they can still make things like this. 3D biomedical engineering will definetly change the world for the better.

Photo link:
Author :Leckart, Steven 
Published: August 6. 2013